Ribniški procent
Ribničan se je že rodil iznajdljiv in se je domislil, da je lažje narediti kot prodati. Če je torej hotel kaj prodati, je moral tudi kaj podariti. Vedel je, da so ženske bolj dovzetne za kupčijo kot moški. Šel je do ženske in rekel: »Mati, tole žlico vam dam zastonj, če boste ta veliki dve kupili!«
In ko je ženska slišala, da je nekaj zastonj, je takoj kupila dve žlici in dobila eno zastonj. Tako je Ribničan eno žlico podaril, za drugi dve pa zaračunal dvojno ceno. Saj veste, za en sold (kovanec) je žlice kupil, za dva pa prodal … s tistim procentom razlike je moral pa preživeti.
Sicer pa to ni tako pomembno, pač pa to, da sta bila na koncu oba zadovoljna.
Ribnica and Its Percentage
There was a woodenware pack peddler from Ribnica who had always been resourceful. He realised that things were easier to make than to sell. So if he wanted to sell something, he also had to give something. He knew that women were more likely to be up for a deal than men. So he went to a woman and said, “Lady, I’ll give you this wooden spoon for free if you buy these two big ones!”
As soon as the woman heard that something was for free, she bought two spoons and got and extra one for free. The man gifted her one spoon and charged her double for the other two. You know how it went… he paid one coin for the spoons and then sold them for two … and he had to make ends meet with the percentage he earned.
But that’s not even all that important. What matters most is that they were both happy with the deal.