Galerija / Gallery


Načrt za stavbo ribniške opekarne je bil izdelan na Dunaju. Zgrajena je bila okrog leta 1906. Leta 1910 so jo modernizirali, zgrajena je bila krožna peč in prvi 40 m visok dimnik. MR, PIR_ 195.

The plan for the Ribnica Brickworks was prepared in Vienna. The Brickworks was built circa 1906 and modernised in 1910, i.e. a circular furnace and the first 40-metre-high chimney were built.  MR, PIR_195.


Za lažjo dostavo gline iz glinokopa so uredili železnico, traso, ki so jo po potrebi premikali od kopa do kopa. Vozičke so do opekarne rinili delavci, glino pa odlagali na velike kupe. MR, PIR_ 196.

To make it easier to transport clay from the clay pit to the Brickworks, a railway was set up and the railway track was moved from one clay pit to another whenever necessary. Mine carts were pushed by the workers all the way to the Brickworks, where clay was dumped in large piles. MR, PIR_ 196.


Poleg žage in opekarne je podjetje leta 1919 odkupilo tudi elektrarno Jakoba Oražma in s tem prevzelo še skrb za električno oskrbo Ribnice. MR I_ 682.

In addition to the sawmill and the Brickworks, in 1919, the company that managed the Brickworks bought from Jakob Oražem also a power plant, thus taking over Ribnica’s electric power distribution. MR, I_ 682.


Fotografija je bila posneta v letih 1958–1969. Spomin na opekarno ohranja ime ulice, ki vodi iz Ribnice proti vasi Sajevec. Na tej poti kot opomnik na uspešne čase opekarne še vedno ponosno stoji opečna upravna stavba opekarne, ki je bila zgrajena leta 1910. MR, INV_1594.

The photo was taken in the 1958–1969 period, before the fire that brought the production to an end. The memory of the Brickworks is preserved in the name of the street leading from Ribnica to the village of Sajevec. The Brickworks’ administrative building, built in 1910, still stands by the road, as a reminder of the Brickworks’ successful times back in the day. MR, I_ 159.

2025 © Rokodelski center Ribnica. Izdelava spletnih strani: Kreativna tovarna | Piškotki

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