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#FOTOFEŠN // Lusha Alič, David Paige, Urška Pečnik, Lucija Rosc, Rok Tržan

Skupinska razstava #fotofešn predstavlja razmisleke o modni fotografiji, enem od ustvarjalno svobodnejših področij vizualne kulture, ki s svojimi formalnimi in vsebinskimi pristopi pogosto koketira z umetnostjo, a pri nas redko najde pot v galerije. Fotografi in fotografinje, ki pri svojem delu izhajajo iz modne fotografije in vanjo vnašajo svojevrstne avtorske poetike, raziskujejo, kako se kakofonija sodobnih modnih stilov in smernic zrcali v modni fotografiji ter kje znotraj tega izrazito komercialno naravnanega področja, primarno namenjenega predstavitvi in prodaji oblačil in življenjskih slogov, je, če sploh, mesto avtorskega izražanja in izjavljanja.

Avtorji in avtorice se zavedajoč se pravil in konvencij klasične modne fotografije z njimi poigravajo ter spajajo različne žanre in medije, medtem ko svoje vizualne in idejne reference črpajo iz umetnosti, mitologije, množičnih medijev, spleta in popularne kulture. Ob upoštevanju odnosa med modo, telesom in identiteto preko različnih vizualnih nagovorov, kot so pretiravanje, preobilje, transformacije telesa, nenavadni zorni koti in neobičajni detajli, absurd, poudarjanje ekscentričnosti in erotike, presegajo običajno predstavitev telesa kot zgolj »obešalnika« za prikaz modnih oblačil. Mestoma tako naslavljajo tudi različne identitetne pozicije in preizprašujejo koncept lepote in lepotnih standardov, vezanih na (žensko) telo, ki jih narekujeta lepotna industrija in oglaševanje, ki še vedno pomembno vplivata na sooblikovanje splošnih predstav o telesu in nanj vezanih identitetnih politik.

[Jasna Jernejšek, kustosinja razstave]


#PHOTOFASHION // Lusha Alič, David Paige, Urška Pečnik, Lucija Rosc, Rok Tržan

The group exhibition #photofashion is a contemplation of fashion photography—one of the freer areas of visual culture in terms of creativity. But although its formal and content approaches often flirt with art, it rarely finds its way into galleries in Slovenia. The work of the exhibited photographers is based on fashion photography, but they add their authentic authorial poetics. In this exhibition they explore how the cacophony of modern fashion styles and trends is reflected in fashion photography, as well as where—if at all—this expressly commercial field, aimed primarily at presenting and selling clothes and lifestyles, leaves authors their freedom of expression and making a statement.

Aware of the rules and conventions of classical fashion photography, the authors play with them, blending different genres and media, while drawing their ideas and visual references from art, mythology, mass media, the internet and pop culture. While taking into account the relationships between fashion, body and identity, they transcend the regular conceptualisation of the body as a “clothes hanger” for fashion display by utilising different visual approaches to address the observer, such as exaggeration, excess, body transformations, unusual angles and peculiar details, absurd, highlighting eccentricity and eroticism. This way they sometimes address the different identity positions and question the concept of beauty and beauty standards related to the (female) body dictated by the beauty industry and advertisers, which still have an enormous impact on how the general perceptions of the body and related identity politics are shaped.

[Jasna Jernejšek, curator]


Foto: Jernej Marinč


Foto: Jernej Marinč

2024 © Rokodelski center Ribnica. Izdelava spletnih strani: Kreativna tovarna | Piškotki

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